Making changes

Change can be quite daunting. I like to think that the ups and downs of parenthood, with the constant change and new phases, help build our resilience, and help us cope better with change as time goes on. I have gone through a lot of change over the past few years, and have also made quite a few changes, especially in the last year. I have been thinking about what has helped me as I make changes, both recently and in the past, and what reminders I’ve needed, or would have been helpful at the time. I wanted to share them with anyone who is currently making changes, or needs a bit of encouragement to take a leap!

Firstly, it helps to bring those closest with you in on the details so that they understand and can support you in making your changes. They might even like to join you on your journey! Or at the very least, you will have some good support and encouragement along the way.

Don’t worry about what others will think, if you are excited by the changes and they feel right for you then that is what is most important.

Try not to let questions from others make you doubt yourself. Those closest to you will question from a place of concern for you, or of course, based on their own experiences. Remember, each experience will be unique to us.

Be grateful! Especially for the support and encouragement you do receive.

Don’t compare yourself to others. It doesn’t matter if, or when, someone else made the same changes you’re wanting to make, all that matters is that it is now the right time for you.

Trust your gut and go with the flow! If it’s meant to be, it will feel effortless and flow smoothly.

Don’t feel guilty. If making your changes means letting go of some of the old to make way for the new, then let it be. Sometimes we have to do some weeding in our gardens for things to grow.

Make sure you’re happy! It is most important that you are being true to yourself.

Ask for help if you need it. If you don’t ask, how can you receive!?

Remember, there are no mistakes. Life is about learning lessons and you can always make new changes if you need to.

Good luck with making your changes, whatever they may be!



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