What is purpose?

Do you know what your purpose is?
Are you living out your purpose?
Or are their barriers to you living your purpose?

Your purpose doesn’t have to be all encompassing
You don’t need to know all the details
You don’t need to feel it in every single moment

Your purpose can be a knowing that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be
It can be in a job that you do, or a role that you play (parent, partner, grandparent, friend, listener, etc)

Your purpose can be in the simple
It can be in the WAY that you go about your daily life
It can be in the daily choices you make

Knowing your purpose can feel like a grounding, an anchoring to your self & your soul
It can feel like clarity & direction

We can still know our purpose & have those days where we feel lost (that is completely normal)
It is in that anchoring that we are reminded to come home to what we know & sense feels right for us

It has been through my own journey of rediscovering my purpose, & finding clarity & direction in my journey after becoming a parent, that I found my passion in supporting others to find their purpose

If you’re feeling a little lost, perhaps a bit unsure of who you are, or what you wish to do next
The best thing you can do is reach out for support
You deserve to live a life that has meaning to you, where there are more days when things feel right & in alignment, vs the opposite

Holding space for people to navigate their journeys is what I do & it would be a pleasure to hold space to support you to navigate yours
If you would love to know more about how we can work together, through my coaching or Reiki offerings, send me a message today
I’m ready when you are!

With the flow

The irony behind this post is that every time I started to write it I was interrupted & it took multiple attempts to get in the flow of writing it 🙊

Rather than fight it, I laughed at the irony & how it was further highlighting that life isn’t always smooth sailing, that we can’t control what will come up for us, but we can control how we choose to react.

Rather than fighting the interruptions, I chose to accept that my post just didn’t need to be written in that moment (or 5 moments) & that it could wait. Just like that, I was choosing to go with the flow, rather than push when I didn’t need to push, which is something that we are challenged with so often.

When asked recently how I manage being a work at home Mum with the kids, & after really reflecting on what I do, I realised that I generally go with the flow. I try not to force or plan my work too much (besides my client appts & workshop schedule) so that I’m not getting frustrated or flustered when things aren’t going according to my work plan while I have the kids at home, and I am operating from a feeling of flow rather than force. If the kids all nap then I make a decision on how I will use the time I have, or if the twins are entertaining each other then I will choose some things to do while they are playing, etc. I do what works for me in the time that I have, and I absolutely love what I do & the opportunity that I have to work flexibly. I have learnt that things like painting while the kids nap does not always work for me as I want to continue when they wake, & end up feeling like I’m fighting to do my painting which is not how I want it to be, so I wait until the nights or when hubby is home.

Becoming a mother quickly showed me just how little control we have over things, & I am continually being reminded of this each day. Whether it’s kids choosing not to sleep when we want them to, or sleeping longer when we don’t want them to, or needing to use the bathroom just as we’re rushing out the door, or unfortunately falling ill etc, they’re teaching us that things don’t always go to plan. We can do our best to make plans and to get organised, but we can’t control the actions or reactions of others, especially our little ones, we can only control how we choose to act & react.

Over the years I’ve learnt how much better it feels to go with the flow (with my experiences of the opposite, that still occur) with many a pyjama day had at home to avoid forcing when I didn’t feel it called for it. I’ve learnt how good it feels to stop forcing things that aren’t in alignment such as work, relationships, expectations, etc, all while still being a work in progress. There are still times that I will find myself forcing rather than flowing, and times when I feel like I am swimming against the current, but rather than continuing to push & force, I find myself questioning & making adjustments when I can.

When was the last time you felt like you were going with the flow, rather than swimming up stream, or against the current?

When you were at ease and trusting, not pushing or forcing?

What is something that you feel is out of alignment and that you are fighting against?

What adjustments can you make? 💛

Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing and Reading Sessions with Embarked with Simone in Atwell, South of Perth Western Australia

Game Changer

We are the creators of our own happiness. Only we can choose

How we see things

What we focus on

How things make us feel

Who we surround ourselves with

What we put into our bodies

How we spend our time

How we experience things

We can consciously choose to focus on the positives, & what is happening for us, rather than what is not happening

We can choose to focus on the good in ourselves & others

We can choose to be grateful for the simple things – for each day, for each breath

We can choose to allow things to get us down, or we can choose to look at our reactions & what we might really need

We can choose to give out all of our energy, or we can choose to consider our needs & make ourselves a priority

We can choose to say no to the people, events, foods, etc that don’t align with us, that don’t fulfil us or make us feel good

We can choose to rely on others for our own happiness, or we can take responsibility for ourselves & ask ourselves what we truly need (& listen to the response)

We may not be able to choose the weather, or what is happening to those around us, but we can choose what we make of each day, where we want to be, & how our external factors affect us.

We get to choose how we show up each & every day

And when we realise how much choice we have, the game truly changes

Take a deep breath, pause & decide.

How do you want to feel?

How do you want to be seen?


What happens when we delve into the depths of despair?

When we truly acknowledge what is going on, in and around us?

When we honour our feelings, accept them and make peace with them?

What happens when we stop running, stop blocking, stop hiding, and we confront our feelings, and the darkness that lurks in the shadows?

When we switch off from the busyness of life, and we unplug and plug into ourselves and what we are experiencing, what we are going through?

Do you know?

Have you allowed yourself the freedom to explore what’s within?

To stop masking and hiding, and to get comfortable with your emotions?

To ask yourself what you really need?

What may be lacking? What needs healing? What you need support with?

Give yourself the space and time to regularly check in with yourself.

Ask yourself how you feel? What you could change? Who you could ask for support? Who you could turn to?

Place your hand on your heart and ask her what she might need, and if she feels loved?

So much healing can take place when we turn within and spend time speaking to ourselves.

Getting to know every part.

Remembering that this is home.

The place that we need to visit more often.

The place that offers us comfort, familiarity, and love.

Come back to self.

Come home.

Take this all in & take note of how it makes you feel. What is it bringing up for you?

Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing and Reading Sessions with Embarked with Simone in Atwell, South of Perth Western Australia


Just as trees shed their leaves, & some insects shed their skin, so too do we go through phases where we need to shed in order to grow.

And it is okay to shed.

Letting go of what no longer serves us is how we learn & evolve.

Letting go of ideas, ideals, relationships, things, ways of thinking, beliefs, is how we make way for the new. How we grow & change. How we are challenged to become more resilient.

It is okay to shed your ‘old skin’ in order to become more aligned with who you truly are & where you want to be. With more of what sets your soul on fire.

Shedding our leaves is what makes way for new growth.

Seasons change, & things change. Just like Mother Nature, we too need to adapt & shed to flourish.

Don’t be afraid to shed what is no longer in alignment for you.

It is your time to blossom 🌿🌼💖

Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing and Reading Sessions with Embarked with Simone in Atwell, South of Perth Western Australia


The act of savouring appears to be a lost art for so many of us.

What do I mean by savouring?

The pure joy within when we truly drink something in. When we give it our full focus & attention without a single distraction. When we feel it with all of our senses. When there is no room in our hearts or minds for anything else in that moment.

When was the last time you truly savoured something?

That bath

That book

That cup of tea or coffee

That sunset

That conversation

That embrace

That chocolate

That walk or run

That song

That bunch of flowers

That view…

We’ve become so focused on this need to be doing all the time, & doing so much, that we’ve forgotten how to savour.

We’ve become so attached to being connected & plugged in that we aren’t switching off enough.

We’re not savouring the little things, that really aren’t so little at all.

Give yourself the gift of savouring.

Make time to sit quietly with that coffee. Feel the warmth of the cup. Breathe in the strong aromas. Notice the marks being made on the cup with every enjoyable sip.

Run that relaxing bath. Notice the softness of your skin as the warm water washes over it. Enjoy the quiet calm without reaching for the distracting phone. Soak in the smells of soap suds or oils or candles burning.

Really absorb that cuddle. Feel the points at which you both connect, soft t-shirts, or their little arms around your neck. Notice the smells of washed hair, perfumes, fresh breath or sweets consumed. Spy each little freckle on scrunched up noses.


It’s so important that we remember this simple art, & that we practice regularly so as not to forget. For in savouring, we can find joy & inner peace from the smallest of things, that really aren’t so small at all 💛