Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing and Reading Sessions with Embarked with Simone in Atwell, South of Perth Western Australia


The act of savouring appears to be a lost art for so many of us.

What do I mean by savouring?

The pure joy within when we truly drink something in. When we give it our full focus & attention without a single distraction. When we feel it with all of our senses. When there is no room in our hearts or minds for anything else in that moment.

When was the last time you truly savoured something?

That bath

That book

That cup of tea or coffee

That sunset

That conversation

That embrace

That chocolate

That walk or run

That song

That bunch of flowers

That view…

We’ve become so focused on this need to be doing all the time, & doing so much, that we’ve forgotten how to savour.

We’ve become so attached to being connected & plugged in that we aren’t switching off enough.

We’re not savouring the little things, that really aren’t so little at all.

Give yourself the gift of savouring.

Make time to sit quietly with that coffee. Feel the warmth of the cup. Breathe in the strong aromas. Notice the marks being made on the cup with every enjoyable sip.

Run that relaxing bath. Notice the softness of your skin as the warm water washes over it. Enjoy the quiet calm without reaching for the distracting phone. Soak in the smells of soap suds or oils or candles burning.

Really absorb that cuddle. Feel the points at which you both connect, soft t-shirts, or their little arms around your neck. Notice the smells of washed hair, perfumes, fresh breath or sweets consumed. Spy each little freckle on scrunched up noses.


It’s so important that we remember this simple art, & that we practice regularly so as not to forget. For in savouring, we can find joy & inner peace from the smallest of things, that really aren’t so small at all 💛