Empowerment Coaching

Find yourself questioning who you are? What you want for yourself? Or where your life is going? Do you have that niggling feeling that something needs to change, but you just don’t know where to start or what it would look like?

I see you, and I know that ‘deer in the headlight’ feeling all too well, when you’re stuck, you feel lost, and you can’t see the wood for the trees.

When you become a parent and suddenly you don’t know who you are outside of that. When your job no longer lights you up, but you feel paralysed by your responsibilities or lack of confidence to make a big decision or change. Or when you’re feeling burnt out trying to meet the expectations of everyone around you, but you don’t know what you could possibly stop to free yourself up.

You want to do more for yourself that lights you up, whilst finding some likeminded connections on the way. You want to feel fulfilled by your career, and to know your purpose. And you want to take back control of your life, to be able to say ‘no’ more often so that you can create the space for yourself that you crave.

And you can. I’m here to help.

Through my own journey of these experiences, and building up my toolkit to support myself, I now support so many others to build their confidence and create the life they want for themselves through my empowerment coaching, and I would love to support you too!

  • Get clear on who you are and what you want for yourself (and to go after it!)
  • Make positive changes in your mindset and in your life
  • Claim back your identity and your connection to yourself
  • Discover your purpose and what lights you up
  • Be heard and seen as your whole self
  • Feel more confident to stand in your power and own who you are!
  • Put all of those thoughts swirling around your head into a purposeful action plan to achieve your goals

  • Holding space for you to truly explore who you are and what you want for yourself
  • Reconnecting you with yourself and your passions
  • Empowering you with the flexibility to tailor your goals and your sessions to what you need
  • Gaining clarity on the direction your life is heading and answering those ‘what now?’ or ‘what next?’ questions
  • Listening intently, whilst tuning in to ask you the right questions to bring strong awareness to the right areas
  • Guiding you back to yourself, where all the answers to your questions really lie
  • Cutting through your self limiting beliefs that are holding you back
  • Being your biggest cheerleader and celebrating all that you are

If you’re ready, I’m ready!! See below to book in your FREE 10-minute connection session today to see if we’re a great fit to create your dream, joyful life! Or submit a coaching application to jump right in!

  • Prior to our sessions starting, I will send you a questionnaire to help you get clear on what it is you want to achieve throughout the program
  • Our first session will then be centred around clearly defining your goals and what you most want for yourself
  • The remaining sessions are then focused on progressing your goals through action planning and accountability, as well as celebrating all that you achieve along the way!
  • It’s true what they say, you get out what you put in, and the more open you are and the more committed you are, the more you will achieve and grow over the course of the program

My style is warm, friendly, intuitive, and authentic, with a dash of boldness. As a (Human Design) 2/5 Splenic Projector, I have the ability to truly see you and your full potential. I am very passionate about empowering my clients to reach their potential, and I genuinely care about each of you.

Taking a whole of person approach is integral to my coaching because I truly believe that we all deserve to know our place in the world and to have meaning in our lives. I also believe that this comes from having a strong connection with ourselves, and understanding what is and isn’t in alignment for us. Only when we understand what is in alignment, can we start living the purposeful lives we are destined to live!

Connection is so important to me and making my clients feel welcome and very comfortable is a priority. I work on building a foundation of trust so that when I tune in and ask the difficult questions that you need asked, you know that my intention is always on moving you forward and supporting you to achieve your goals.

As a mother of 3 young kids, I completely understand the load that parents carry and can empathise with the challenges, whilst also celebrating the wins. I also understand how important it is to prioritise looking after ourselves (as hard as that can seem) so that we can show up how we truly want to for our families.

Having spent over a decade working in fast paced Human Resources roles, I am also incredibly focused, professional, and determined, which brings balance to my heart-centred approach. This allows me to ask the difficult questions that will bring everything to the surface so that you can shine!

  • 1 x 1.5 hour Goal Setting Session to clearly define what you want for yourself
  • 7 x 1 hour Sessions focused on achieving your goals & adding to your toolkit for an empowered future
  • Unlimited email support throughout program – I’m there every step of the way!
  • Sessions all available over video call or face-to-face if Perth-based

Total Empowerment Coaching Program Investment: $2,111 (payment plans available from $135 a week)

  • 1 x 1.5 hour Goal Setting Session to clearly define what you want for yourself
  • 11 x 1 hour Sessions focused on achieving your goals & adding to your toolkit for an empowered future
  • Unlimited email support throughout program – I’m there every step of the way!
  • Sessions all available over video call or face-to-face if Perth-based

Total Empowerment Coaching Program Investment: $2,977 (payment plans available from $125 a week)

For something more casual, my 1 hour of coaching power sessions are for assessing where you’re at and partnering with you to build an epic action plan that will support you in getting you on the way to where you want to be! Available for those times you require some 1-off support for your business, a workplace or relationship issue, shifting a limiting belief, etc.

Note: These are single sessions, not part of my coaching programs.

Exchange: $288 p/hour

3 x Hour of Power Bundle available for those who have a few things they want to work through
Purchase 3 sessions in a bundle for use over a 3-month period
Once you purchase the bundle, you’ll receive the link to book in your sessions
Exchange: $777 for bundle

Coaching is a collaborative, personalised process that facilitates new thinking to cause positive change. It is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires clients to maximise their personal and professional potential.

“I was going through a very difficult time in my life and it hit me harder emotionally than I ever expected. I’d always been happy go lucky without a care and all of a sudden I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. It made me anxious, have problems sleeping, sad and often insecure which I had never experienced before. I knew I needed help to get back to my old self… or hopefully discover a new me.
Through Simone’s coaching I was confronted with a series of questions that I probably wouldn’t have asked myself. It allowed me to work through things head on, be okay with grief & loss and sit with my emotions. Simone’s coaching style never gave me the answers but taught me how to find them myself which is really the only way we learn to grow and move through a situation.
I am no longer overwhelmed and miles happier and more content within myself. I have made space and time for the things I value and learnt how to balance my life a lot better. I feel stronger and ready to embrace my life fully again.
Thank you for carrying me through the worst time of my life. Not sure where I’d be without your help.”


You are so amazing Simone! You’re an incredible coach and when you live in your projector glory you literally make the world and other’s worlds better!! Thank you for listening to me. Your guidance has helped me sooooo much!! I wouldn’t have been able to do what I have done if it wasn’t for you and your support and guidance and SEEING ME! You always see me when I can’t see myself and you take me home to her and I just want to say thank you!


“Simone takes an approach to professional coaching that is unique compared to what I have experienced previously with other coaches. Rather than help you with the specific area of growth you may be concerned with, she takes the time to peel many more layers off the onion to help you better understand more of the whole you so that by the end of it, you often realise the question you were first seeking was only a sliver of the bigger picture of what has really been on your mind. You then begin to work together to meet that much more significant and broader challenge.”


“Your very intentional approach of starting broad, starting holistic and taking a whole of person approach to coaching is something I have found very unique. It worked a treat on me – even if you had me making up pie charts and spreadsheets at times (it certainly wasn’t the engineer in me that drove that). I also enjoyed the laid back nature of our discussions as it beguiles me into opening up more. But at the same time, you don’t hold back in your challenge or questioning and you can get away with that because of the overall easy flow of the conversation.”


“Simone is an outstanding coach. She has a sharp eye for the essence and is really good in bringing back a lot of information to it’s core. That allows for quickly zooming in on the ‘issue’ and preparing a focused workplan. When you drift away from the topic at hand she will bring you back and remind you of the real issue to work on. Her quick wit and sense of humour also make her very pleasant company and great to talk to. Simone is a top professional that can really help to structure your thinking and point out where there might be inconsistencies or flaws in your thinking. Excellent coach.”


“Simone, your coaching has positively impacted me and nurtured my growth mindset. Through the trust we established, I felt there was always the psychological safety between us for me to share openly with you and for you to thoughtfully challenge me to expand upon what I had shared. A specific coaching strength you have demonstrated is asking questions to prompt me, at the right time, to enable me to explore leadership themes and to skilfully guide me towards finding proposals that I could apply after our sessions. Your approach is filled with empathy, tailored to the coachee’s development interests and maintains accountability to ensure there is a commitment to act upon self-formulated proposals. Thank you Simone, I consider you a coach with seasoned qualities..”


“It really opened my eyes to a lot of things I wasn’t seeing.”
