Group Acrylic Mini Mandala Painting Intuitive Art Therapy Workshop with Embarked with Simone in Atwell, South of Perth Western Australia

Magnificent Mini Mandalas

A wonderful night last Friday night with a special group of 9 (one who escaped before the group shot) 💗
I was so grateful that they chose to create some Mandala magic as part of a birthday celebration & had a great time guiding them through the process. Such a fun bunch & so special for them to have formed the bond they all have & to make the time to connect altogether regularly 💛
All of them had varying levels of nerves, most didn’t think they could do it, but all came away with their own unique masterpiece, amazed at what they all achieved & amazed at how different each Mandala was ✨
It was a bit of a baptism by fire having 9 for my first Mini Mandala Workshop, but we did it & I absolutely loved it! Looking forward to my next Mini Mandala Group on the 19th of May 🎨
If you’d love to book in your own group, or would love to attend one of my upcoming workshops, please see my Mandala Painting Workshop page for more details 💛


Group Acrylic Mini Mandala Painting Intuitive Art Therapy Workshop with Embarked with Simone in Atwell, South of Perth Western Australia

Group Acrylic Mandala Painting Intuitive Art Therapy Workshop with Embarked with Simone in Atwell, South of Perth Western Australia

March Magnificent Mandalas

Another amazing day of Mandala creating yesterday, this time guiding a lovely group of 4 through painting their unique stories 💖

So wonderful to be able to connect with others over creating & to see them connecting with each other too. I trust fully in the process that those who are meant to be in the space together, come together, & I love that I can hold the space for them as they explore their creativity 🎨

I was asked yesterday why I started running my workshops, & my answer was so clear. I loved what creating Mandalas brought to my life, & so I created more space for it, & then I wanted to share my space & the process to support others 💛

Thank you ladies for such a wonderful day!

For those who are drawn to this experience or creativity & connection, my next available full day workshop is Sunday 9th June, with my new Mini Mandala Workshops available before then. Please see the link in my bio for more info xx

Group Acrylic Mandala Painting Intuitive Art Therapy Workshop with Embarked with Simone in Atwell, South of Perth Western Australia

Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing and Coaching Sessions with Embarked with Simone in Atwell, South of Perth Western Australia

The power of art

How do you calm your mind?

For me, creating my first Mandala & giving myself space, guided me further on my path to unlocking my soul’s purpose ✨

Before that, I hadn’t given any thought or time or space for art & it’s form of creative meditation.

Art is so powerful. We can’t underestimate the power of creating, big or small.

Art brings to the forefront our truest selves, our deepest thoughts, feelings & fears.

The process of creating art is truly transformational, in the depths of the calm mind one can truly discover their soul’s purpose.

Art has the great ability to calm & focus the mind.

Giving yourself the space to create is the greatest gift 💛

When was the last time you gave yourself the space to create?

When was the last time you did some art?

How could doing some art help you?

I’m so glad I said yes to the experience with my bestie, & conquered my fears & self doubt, because the experience of creating my first Mandala & immersing myself in art has changed my world ✨

If you would love to give yourself a creative outlet, I have spots available in my upcoming Mandala Painting Workshops, why not get your friends together & make a day of it?

If something ‘arty’ sparks your interest, I encourage you to give it a go! Your soul is giving you a hint to get creative & the benefits are endless 💖

Group Acrylic Mandala Painting Intuitive Art Therapy Workshop with Embarked with Simone in Atwell, South of Perth Western Australia

More Magnificent Mandalas

What an amazing day yesterday, working with this wonderful group to create their masterpieces 😍

To start, they were all nervous, unsure of what they wanted to create, & then they trusted the process, followed what they were drawn to, let go of fears, & created stunning pieces that they were so proud of & did not expect to create – I LOVE it!! ❤️

A year ago today, I painted my very first Mandala at the inspirational Karen Scott’s Mandala Magic workshop in Victoria. Less than 5 months later I started my first evening workshop, sharing my space with others, & one day short of 12 months later, I ran my first full day workshop.

When you know, you know 💛

I went to bed last night with so much gratitude in my heart for having been introduced to Karen & Gary & the amazing work they do.

For being able to create my own space to share this beautiful tool of creative self exploration & care.

To give so many the much needed opportunity to take time out of their busy lives to calm their minds & create.

For the support I have to enable me to do what I love so much!

If you’d love to join me on this journey, my next evening series will start on Tues 12th Feb & my next full day workshop is on Sunday 17th Feb in Atwell.

Looking forward to supporting you through this beautiful process 💛

Simone xx