What it took

And this is what it took

For family bonds to be restored

For homes to be taken care of

For those odd jobs to be done

And this is what it took

For puzzles to be dusted off

For forts to be built

For more books to be read

And this is what it took

For families to bake together

For our bodies to be nourished

For health to be prioritised

And this is what it took

For children to learn of boredom

For friendships to strengthen

For the birds to be heard

And this is what it took

For driveways to be played on

For rainbows to be drawn

For neighbours to connect

And this is what it took

For time in nature to be appreciated

For music to be enjoyed

For creativity to come alive

And this is what it took

For communities to unite

For Mother Earth to regenerate

For new ways to be discovered

And this is what it took

For the world to truly slow down

And if this is what it took…

What are we taking away from all of this?


By Simone Parker




So you’re feeling a little disconnected,

Like you’ve wandered a little too far from your truth.

Unsure of your journey ahead.

Unsure of your hopes, dreams & passions.

Unsure of your circle.

Do not worry, for you are not alone. There is always someone who has been here before.

And not just once, for this can be a destination for many, on multiple occasions.

I myself have been here.

What do you do when you arrive at this destination?

Do you panic as though you have lost all sense of direction & have forgotten your map?

Possibly leading you further and further from where you intend to be.

Do you resist and stay put out of stubbornness or fear, not moving anywhere?

Or do you accept that this is where you are meant to be in this moment, no matter how brief this stop?

Do you allow yourself to feel the uncertainty?

To feel the disconnection from self?

Can you pause at your destination and look around at your surroundings –

How do they feel?

What feels safe?

As you calm your mind and allow your thoughts to gather

You will remember that there is someone you can call to help you on your way.

Who is that person who you can call on for guidance?

If you allow yourself enough space to breathe deeply, to calm the mind and open the heart, you will remember that you can be that person too.

You will remember that this is all part of the journey

You may be at a crossroads, with a change of destination ahead

You may have taken a detour and need to reconnect to get back on your way

You may have new places to discover or new paths that are opening

You may have needed to lose your way to remember where you wanted to go

Or you may be exactly where you need to be without realising it.

Whatever the journey, accept it.

For acceptance is key to transformation.

Trust it. And trust in yourself.

For if you ask yourself, you will have the answers.

New Chapter

It’s been three months since our new chapter began, with hubby coming home to be with the kids & invest more energy into his business, and I jumped back into a full time role in the corporate space.

Three months of adjusting, three months of working out our new normal, three months of finding our feet (& still counting)…

Three months of me…

Learning a new role, a new company, new people, new systems & processes

Learning how to switch from Mum mode to work mode & back

Learning what it’s like to arrive home each evening at the peak of witching hour(s) & being thrust into the kids nighttime routine before winding down

Learning the importance of the train ride & walks home to support switching modes & resetting

Learning to let go of expectations on getting all the things done, or things being done differently to how I would do them

Learning to deal with the real FOMO that comes from not being available as much for family & friends, or being part of the regular school routine

Learning to share the opportunities

Learning to prioritise even more & learning to let go of the guilt that comes from not being able to get to everyone or everything

Learning to appreciate the weekends in a new way

Learning how to keep my passions (quality family time, & my creating & sharing through my business) alive, & to keep those promises to myself that I wouldn’t let those passions slip…

And whilst I can’t & won’t speak entirely on hubby’s behalf –

Three months of him…

Learning a new role & new processes in the same house, with the same little people (for a whole lot more time), with less other people

Learning what it’s like to be a stay at home Dad, juggling 3 kids & their needs, whilst running a business

Learning what it’s like to eagerly wait the arrival of that second pair of hands

Learning of the special bond that deepens

Learning to let go of expectations to get all the things done whilst having little ones as your number 1 priority

Learning how quickly plans can change, & how to steal little bits of time where you can

Learning to prioritise in a new way, with new activities and responsibilities

Two roles

Equally as important

Equally as new

Equally as many challenges

Equally as many milestones

Equally offering a new perspective on the other

All of our triumphs & challenges to date have set us on this path & brought us to where we are today, & I am so grateful for this new chapter, however short or long it lasts, & for what we are both learning, & equally as important, for what our children our learning too

We have a new found appreciation & respect for the roles we held before & for the roles we each hold now. We both understand & have experienced the challenges of each role, & we have both experienced the joys that come with each role.

Never under estimate the opportunity to see another perspective

To embrace a new experience

And to go where the universe is guiding you 💛

Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing and Reading Sessions with Embarked with Simone in Atwell, South of Perth Western Australia

Game Changer

We are the creators of our own happiness. Only we can choose

How we see things

What we focus on

How things make us feel

Who we surround ourselves with

What we put into our bodies

How we spend our time

How we experience things

We can consciously choose to focus on the positives, & what is happening for us, rather than what is not happening

We can choose to focus on the good in ourselves & others

We can choose to be grateful for the simple things – for each day, for each breath

We can choose to allow things to get us down, or we can choose to look at our reactions & what we might really need

We can choose to give out all of our energy, or we can choose to consider our needs & make ourselves a priority

We can choose to say no to the people, events, foods, etc that don’t align with us, that don’t fulfil us or make us feel good

We can choose to rely on others for our own happiness, or we can take responsibility for ourselves & ask ourselves what we truly need (& listen to the response)

We may not be able to choose the weather, or what is happening to those around us, but we can choose what we make of each day, where we want to be, & how our external factors affect us.

We get to choose how we show up each & every day

And when we realise how much choice we have, the game truly changes

Take a deep breath, pause & decide.

How do you want to feel?

How do you want to be seen?

Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing and Coaching Sessions with Embarked with Simone in Atwell, South of Perth Western Australia

The power of art

How do you calm your mind?

For me, creating my first Mandala & giving myself space, guided me further on my path to unlocking my soul’s purpose ✨

Before that, I hadn’t given any thought or time or space for art & it’s form of creative meditation.

Art is so powerful. We can’t underestimate the power of creating, big or small.

Art brings to the forefront our truest selves, our deepest thoughts, feelings & fears.

The process of creating art is truly transformational, in the depths of the calm mind one can truly discover their soul’s purpose.

Art has the great ability to calm & focus the mind.

Giving yourself the space to create is the greatest gift 💛

When was the last time you gave yourself the space to create?

When was the last time you did some art?

How could doing some art help you?

I’m so glad I said yes to the experience with my bestie, & conquered my fears & self doubt, because the experience of creating my first Mandala & immersing myself in art has changed my world ✨

If you would love to give yourself a creative outlet, I have spots available in my upcoming Mandala Painting Workshops, why not get your friends together & make a day of it?

If something ‘arty’ sparks your interest, I encourage you to give it a go! Your soul is giving you a hint to get creative & the benefits are endless 💖


What happens when we delve into the depths of despair?

When we truly acknowledge what is going on, in and around us?

When we honour our feelings, accept them and make peace with them?

What happens when we stop running, stop blocking, stop hiding, and we confront our feelings, and the darkness that lurks in the shadows?

When we switch off from the busyness of life, and we unplug and plug into ourselves and what we are experiencing, what we are going through?

Do you know?

Have you allowed yourself the freedom to explore what’s within?

To stop masking and hiding, and to get comfortable with your emotions?

To ask yourself what you really need?

What may be lacking? What needs healing? What you need support with?

Give yourself the space and time to regularly check in with yourself.

Ask yourself how you feel? What you could change? Who you could ask for support? Who you could turn to?

Place your hand on your heart and ask her what she might need, and if she feels loved?

So much healing can take place when we turn within and spend time speaking to ourselves.

Getting to know every part.

Remembering that this is home.

The place that we need to visit more often.

The place that offers us comfort, familiarity, and love.

Come back to self.

Come home.

Take this all in & take note of how it makes you feel. What is it bringing up for you?