Forget resolutions, start living

Each year, on our way home from our family camping trip, hubby & I talk about our goals for the year ahead, our hopes & dreams – because long car rides on the way home from holidays are good for that 😍

As we started sharing this time, I said, “I want to focus less on what needs to be done all the time, & more on relaxing & spending time in our backyard”.

It sounds so simple. Spending quality family time at home.

But, how often do we do that?

How often do we enjoy time at home without thinking about what needs to be done, or feeling like we need to be out doing things?

How often do we do we set goals that add unnecessary pressure, rather than just simply choosing to live happy lives?

Lives where we’re not rushing about, but we’re spending quiet, quality time with those we love.

Where we’re not chasing unrealistic goals or things, but we’re content with what we have.

Where we’re not trying to be so many things, but we value ourselves & the skin we’re in.

Where we’re finding the joy in the little things & choosing to be grateful for what we’ve invited into our lives…

So, when we’re setting your intentions for 2019, let’s forget the standard New Years resolutions around weights, diets, achievements, reductions, etc.

Let’s focus on the lives we’re living & the parts that fill our heart & soul.

Focus on the emotions we want to feel, the vibe we want to have, the moments we want to savour, the foods we want to enjoy, the company we want to laugh with.

Let’s focus on how many quiet moments we can create, how much giving we’re doing & how much receiving, how much we’re listening to our bodies & what they need, & how we’re riding the waves.

Let’s focus on living ✨

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